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Turning Negative Emotions into Positive Emotions and Actions

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Many of us believe that we must be positive or happy all the time and that negative emotions are bad. This is not always the case. The obstacles in our life may not be as daunting as they seem. When we constantly think negatively, we can make it hard on ourselves to conquer tasks in life. We do not have to be positive all the time. We must identify and use negative emotions to our advantage to create positive actions.

We have all faced so much lately and those hard times may not seem to be stopping. That negative voice in your head is natural, but it is up to us to use it to our advantage. Negative thinking can turn into physical traits over time. It is up to us to make positive thinking a lifelong habit instead of negative thinking. Unlearning negative emotions can take time, be compassionate towards yourself through this process. It is important to create realistic thinking, emotions, and actions.

Negative thoughts may look like

Tips to turn negative emotions into positive emotions and actions

  • Recognize negative emotions

Those negative thoughts in your head are leading you to believe things that are untrue. When we recognize these emotions, we can give ourselves the self-talk we need to change these negatives to positives.

Think about those negative thoughts and emotions. Would you treat others the way that you are choosing to treat yourself?

  • Take a step back

Take the time to look at the positives and negatives to each situation. This can help you identify a more positive and neutral outlook.

  • Be present

You cannot change everything, even though you want to. Take the time to be a part of the present instead of always focusing on the future or what you should have done in the past.

  • Use your frustration for good

Use your frustration to motivate you and to push you in a positive way, instead of letting it overwhelm you and bring you down.

  • Journal your thoughts

Journaling or expressive writing can help us to acknowledge our negative thoughts in order to resolve and create positive ones. Nothing good can come from ignoring our emotions and feelings.

  • Use breathing techniques

Breathing when negative thoughts and emotions occur allows us to be calm and rational. Try meditation, yoga, or any other breathing techniques to help get rid of negative energy.

  • Talk to positive people

This can be done by talking to a friend, loved one, or even a therapist. Surrounding yourself with those who help you stay positive is key to creating positive habits. These individuals can also help to become more realistic with your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Be realistic with yourself and the emotions that you encounter. Show yourself positive self-talk and affirmation. When we surround ourselves with positive and realistic thinkers, we take on this positivity as well. Reducing negative thoughts does not mean being positive all the time, it means we are able to look past the negative to become more realistic in all situations. Take the time to analyze your negative thoughts and what you want to change about those thoughts.

If you struggle with negative thoughts and emotions and find it hard to create more realistic thoughts, do not be afraid to reach out to a trained therapist for help. There are many counseling options that can help with conquering unrealistic thoughts, emotions, and actions. Take control of your thoughts and emotions to live a happier and more fulfilling life.