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What Living With A Chronic Illness Can Teach You

No one chooses to be living with a chronic illness. Do you have a chronic illness and have a hard time finding the good in life? Are you unsure how to be YOU after a life changing diagnosis? Sometimes living life without a diagnosis after so much pain and confusion can be worse than actually having a diagnosis that labels our illness.

Living with a chronic illness is extremely hard. Some days you don’t want to or physically can’t get out of bed. Learning to be easier on yourself through these times is very important. We tend to have the mentality that if others can do it, then we should be able to as well. This is not always the case, especially for those of us with a chronic illness.

Try to delve deep and ask yourself what you have learned about your chronic illness. Have you stopped to truly understand your body mentally, physically, and emotionally?

Here are the top 5 things that your chronic illness can teach you:

  1. Listening to your body is key. For some, medication can help your symptoms, while others must rely on alternative treatments. If we truly listen to what our body is saying, it will tell us when to not do something, such as driving or working. Listening to your body allows you to know what treatments will work, what diet to follow, how much sleep you need, etc. Do not forget to be thankful for your bodies voice!
  2. Be kind to yourself. It is important to try not to fix your problems. Your chronic illness isn’t something that can be fixed. Be accepting of your illness and your emotions. It is okay to feel and show yourself kindness. Try not to be hard on what you can no longer do. Simply getting up each day is an accomplishment.
  3. Being honest with yourself about your limitations. Learning to adapt and focus on the things that you still can do is important. Try not to abuse your body or expect it to do the things it once did, focus on what your body can handle now. Chronic illness can show us that traveling, playing sports, or simply being around other people, is not as easy as it once was. Try to plan things out so that you have rest after using up your energy. Take responsibility for your health.
  • There are different definitions to success. To others success is achieving that degree or having the job that brings in a lot of money, while to you success can be the little things accomplished each day. With having a chronic illness, taking care of yourself, taking breaks to manage symptoms, still managing to work, are all successes. You must take care of yourself to reach any goal you may have.
  • Life is truly short! With a chronic illness you realize what is actually important and what should no longer be a priority. We learn to live life to the fullest amid the pain and emotions. We do not take for granted each day that we have to do the things we love and surround ourselves with the ones we love.

Remember to be kind to yourself in knowing that your situation is unique and different than others. This means you should treat yourself and your situations differently than others would. You know your mind and body best, so truly listen to what it has to say. Do not forget to celebrate your little victories, you are a warrior. Allow yourself to grow from the things you have learned from your chronic illness!