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Green Flags to Be Aware of Within Friendships

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When it comes to all relationships, we tend to look for the bad or red flags. We seldom look for the green flags or good in relationships. It is important for us to know when we have good friends and relationships that are worth putting our time and effort into that are going to benefit everyone. Good friends create a healthy influence and follow through on what they say and do. Do you have friends that you can trust fully and that will be there to support you no matter what?

For those of us that are constantly looking for the red flags, it can be hard to identify the green flags. It is important for us to identify and know the people that are important and are supposed to be permanent parts of our lives. Friends can help us through things that others cannot and play a vital role in our happiness, as well as physical and emotional health.

Sometimes as adults we may feel that we do not have time for friends with having careers, families of our own, and much more that takes up our time. Making the time for these relationships can make us better people towards family and co-workers.

Qualities to look for within your friends

  • Trustworthy
  • Supportive
  • Actively Listens
  • Full Acceptance
  • Always shows up
  • There are there emotionally and not just physically

Green flags

  1. You can be yourself around them. When we can be ourselves around friends this helps us to not hide who we are and be truly happy.
  2. You feel good when around them. Do you have that friend that talking to them can help you feel better during or after any situation?
  3. They respect you and your space. A friend should respect your time and know when you need time to yourself without taking it personally.
  4. They push you to do and be better. A good friend helps us to achieve our full potential and makes us want to be and do better as a person.
  5. They make the time to make you a priority. When a friend makes time for you with their hectic schedule it shows that they care about you enough to make you a priority.
  • There is a balance and both friends are there equally. They do not sugar coat things and do not expect you to be perfect but will call you out necessary.
  • Interactions with them make you feel better about yourself. Life is hard and sometimes we do not always feel good about ourselves, good friends can help us see the good in ourselves.
  • Someone who helps celebrate your success. Whether big or small, good friends will celebrate your success without making it about themselves.
  • They check in on you even when you have been distant. Some of us can become distant, we typically send a text and then forget to respond, but friends understand this and check on you anyways.
  • They are there for you when you are at your worst. When we are at our worst it can be difficult for people to understand our behaviors, a good friend will understand and be there during these times.

Ways to be a more supportive friend

We must understand that good friendships are very important in every stage of life. For some people their sibling could be their best friend, while others find good friends along the way. Having good friends can help us through many situations in life and can be the key to our mental health and happiness.

It is also important for us to be a good friend and reciprocate the same actions and behaviors that we get from good friends. Be aware of the green flags in friendships to know people’s true intensions, as well as who will be there for the long run. For some it can be hard to make these good relationships, try joining groups or hobbies where people have similar interests, values, and beliefs as you.