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The Importance of Optimism for the Future

Sometimes it can be very difficult to truly grasp the importance of optimism. Optimism is when we have a positive outlook on circumstances and the future. Optimism can be hard when facing many challenges. We may lose loved ones, lose a job, face uncertainty, experience health complications, etc. These can all make us have a negative or pessimistic outlook on life and the future. In reality, we never know what the future holds, and this can be difficult for some people. In order to combat these negative thoughts, we must create an attitude the stresses the importance of optimism.

We have to be able to see the good in our challenges in order to keep moving forward each day. Optimism has many benefits and can help us face uncertainty, combat depression, reduce anxiety, etc. Optimism can help us feel happier and more in control, as well as prepared for when unexpected changes occur. We must understand that we cannot always control what happens and we cannot always control our emotions. Learning to manage our emotions no matter what they are is important.

optimistic, hopeful, positivity

The importance of optimism

When we are optimistic, we are more excited for the future, which helps us maintain close relationships. When optimistic, we are happier and more likely to build meaningful connections.

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that optimism was positively associated with social support and relationship satisfaction (Carver et al., 2010).

  • Reduces depression and anxiety

Optimism may not always mean happiness, but it can help us be less focused on our sadness of the present. Optimism can help us be ready for challenges, which in turn can reduce our stress and anxiety levels.

A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that optimism was associated with lower levels of anxiety, even when controlling for other variables (Gordon et al, 2016).

  • Can increase our ability to cope with difficult situations

When we face difficult situations, we can become sad and depressed. Optimism is the best way to help us get through these difficult times and show us a sense of hope.  

A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found that optimism was positively associated with emotional coping strategies, such as positive reappraisal and problem-solving (Heszen-Klemens et al., 2015).

  • Can help with productivity and setbacks

When we are more optimistic, we can become more solution-focused, which increases productivity. Optimism helps us see our setbacks, but also helps us set our mind on trying again instead of quitting.

  • Helps us spend our time wisely

When we are more positive about what will occur in the future, it can help us know what we need to do now vs. later. Those that take things one day at a time may see the benefits of optimism so that they can go one week at a time or even one month at a time.

A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that optimistic individuals were more likely to engage in positive time management behaviors, such as planning and prioritizing (Mutz et al., 2016).

  • Promotes resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adversity, and challenges. Optimistic people tend to be more resilient because they see challenges as temporary and believe that they can overcome them. This belief helps them to persevere and find solutions when facing obstacles.

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who were more optimistic tended to be more resilient in the face of adversity. The study followed a group of Vietnam War veterans over a period of 20 years and found that those who were more optimistic had better mental health outcomes and were less likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than those who were less optimistic (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989).

  • Fosters creativity and innovation

When we are optimistic, we are more likely to approach problems with a positive attitude and an open mind. This mindset encourages us to think creatively and outside the box, leading to innovative solutions and new ideas.

  • Enhances physical health

Research has shown that optimism is linked to better physical health outcomes. Optimistic people tend to have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Optimism also encourages healthy behaviors like regular exercise, good nutrition, and getting enough sleep.

A study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that optimism was associated with better physical health outcomes in older adults. The study followed a group of 1,006 adults over the age of 50 for 10 years and found that those who were more optimistic had better mobility, fewer chronic diseases, and a longer lifespan than those who were less optimistic (Scheier, Matthews, Owens, Magovern, Lefebvre, Abbott, & Carver, 1989).

  • Helps to improve decision-making

When we are optimistic, we are more likely to take risks and make decisions that can lead to positive outcomes. Optimism helps us to see the potential benefits of taking action, and encourages us to weigh the risks and rewards in a balanced way.

A study published in the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making found that people who were more optimistic tended to make better decisions in uncertain situations. The study asked participants to make a series of decisions in a game-like scenario and found that those who were more optimistic were more likely to take risks and make decisions that led to better outcomes than those who were less optimistic (Armeli, Gunthert, & Cohen, 2001).

  • Can be infectious and spread to others

Optimism is contagious, and when we are optimistic, we can help to spread positivity and hope to those around us. This can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to adopt an optimistic mindset and helping to build a more positive and resilient community.

A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that optimism was associated with better relationship outcomes. The study followed a group of 88 couples over a period of 2 years and found that those who were more optimistic had better communication, higher relationship satisfaction, and fewer conflicts than those who were less optimistic (Coyne, Wortman, & Lehman, 1988).

positive psychology, counseling, mental health

Signs of optimism

  • Feeling that good things will happen
  • Feeling like you can face many challenges
  • You look forward to the future
  • You see the good even in hard times
  • Seeing challenges as room for opportunity and growth
  • Making the most out of every situation
  • Having gratitude for what you have

Overall, the importance of optimism is an important skill that can help us navigate life’s ups and downs with resilience, creativity, and positivity. While it may not come easily for everyone, it is a mindset that can be developed with practice and effort. By focusing on the positive, looking for opportunities in challenges, and believing in our ability to overcome adversity, we can build a more optimistic and hopeful future for ourselves and those around us.

Optimism does not mean that we cannot be sad or negative sometimes, but it does mean that we allow ourselves to build a tolerance to the negativity and gain more positivity instead. It may seem that people may not understand your negativity or inability to be optimistic. If you are struggling to be optimistic and look at things negatively, it may be time to reach out to others for support. Therapy can be a great option to help us talk through these emotions and thoughts and provide us the clarity to identify positivity that we may not see ourselves.

 Sometimes simply thinking over how often we are negatively thinking can help us understand that our perspective may need to shift a little. There are many benefits to being optimistic and even though it is hard, gaining awareness and truly honing in on the importance of optimism can help us tremendously throughout life. Take this time to understand optimism fully and how you can be more optimistic in your life.