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How to Maintain Motivation in the Colder Months

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During the winter it becomes colder, darker outside, and sometimes rainy or snowy. This weather can make us feel unhappy, tired, and/or irritable, which makes us far less motivated. The less sunlight there is and the colder it gets, the less we want to go outside. When this occurs, we are less likely to set or achieve goals, maintain physical and mental wellness, or use self-care when needed. If you feel depressed during this time, you are not alone, this lowering of mood is partly due to the lack of sunshine and what may feel like much shorter days. Remember to be kind and focus on yourself during these months. It is also important to notice when others may need help with motivation in the colder months.

Ways to stay motivated in the colder months:

  • Spend time with friends/family

During this time, we may want to isolate and not be around others. This is the exact reason why we should be spending time with friends and loved ones to help increase our mood, have a few laughs, and feel less alone.

We often become so overwhelmed with thinking these months will be bad or hard that we do not allow ourselves to be in the present and see the good. Allow yourself to be happy, to enjoy music, lights, or foods that only come at this time of year.

Sometimes all we want to do is sit under a blanket to stay warm. Try taking a warm bath or doing hot yoga instead of sitting on the couch watching a movie.

With what little sun there is, it is important to go outside when it is sunny. If you cannot handle the cold, sit by a window that has direct sunlight to get vitamin D to help lift your mood and increase brain function.

  • Create healthy habits

It can be difficult but when we get enough exercise, eat healthy, and get enough sleep, we are able to increase our mood and create motivation throughout the colder months.

Signs that you need more motivation in the colder months:

  • You want to isolate yourself from others
  • You prefer to stay inside
  • You feel depressed or winter blues
  • You have negative thoughts surrounding winter events
  • You are not getting enough exercise
  • You are struggling to maintain goals
  • You feel less about yourself and more about what others think of you
  • & Much more

These winter months are never easy. It may seem like a pattern each year of this lowered mood, which can be signs of seasonal depression. Seasonal depression is common in the colder months when we cannot go outside and enjoy the activities, we love to do other times of the year. Even though these emotions can be normal, it is important to know when your symptoms may need extra help. A therapist can provide great tools and can help us through these colder months with staying positive and more motivated. If you find that you are feeling unproductive or just feeling down right now, try incorporating forms of self-care for yourself. Go hang out with friends and have a movie night together, go to a hot yoga class, or anything that can get you out of the house even with it being cold. The more we move, the happier our body will be. Know that you are not alone, reach out to a friend, family member, or therapist for help during these months if you feel like you are struggling.