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Do You Have a Self-Care Routine?

Here are helpful ways to create a self-care routine for your mental health

Self-care is anything that promotes wellbeing as a whole. Establishing a self-care routine should take a holistic/whole body approach to caring for yourself. Some people do not make self-care a priority, but more people should. Starting a self-care routine can be easier than you think but sticking to it can seem hard at times. Do not overwhelm yourself, just make the decision to start and go from there! Remember that self-care is multidimensional.

Start with specific and achievable goals. Start with what you can do daily, then slowly move to things you can do weekly and then monthly. Research shows that it takes an average of 66 days to develop good habits . Everyone is different, so don’t forget to go at your own pace.

Be forgiving when you forget to do self-care or choose to do other things that aren’t your self-care routine. It is important to replace bad habits and make self-care a priority. Keep an open mind and be willing to adapt to change.

Here are some self-care routine tips to introduce:

  • Physical health

Get proper exercise, little amounts of exercise add up to large amounts. Do not think you need to do it all at once. 30-minutes of exercise a day is important for mental and physical health. Eat healthy and stay hydrated. Follow your own health on what to eat and not eat. Self-care could be anything from working out, to playing a sport with friends. Remember that you cannot fuel in other areas if you do not get a proper amount of sleep! What are your self-care options for fueling your body?

  • Spiritual well-being

Get out into nature and make sunlight a priority. Spiritual self-care is different for everyone. Some people choose to follow a religion, while others view being one with nature a spiritual need. Schedule times for relaxation, try meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises. Try unplugging from social media, give your eyes and mind a break.

  • Social self-care

Stay connected, spend time with friends and family. Some people are different than others when it comes to the amount of social time that they need. Start by scheduling in time with friends and family once a week.

Examples of self-care routines:

Always try to stay positive when working on a self-care routine. Challenge negative thoughts to create healthier and happier thoughts. Remind yourself that it takes time to replace habits and create new ones. Be kind to yourself and find new things that may help you with your self-care journey. Make self-care a priority to help heal your mind, body, and soul!