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Tips to Reconnect Our Mind Body and Soul

To think of ourselves and our wellness as a whole, we must reconnect our mind body and soul connections. How are you feeling physically and emotionally? Do you feeling like sometimes that we lose the ability to reconnect out mind, body & soul? Have you ever been so stressed to the point that you were nauseous? This is part of your mind, body, and soul connections.

Our mental health is just as important as our physical and spiritual health. We may understand these connections on a deeper level but forget to address each of them separately in order to strengthen our mind, body, and soul connections. Do not forget the importance of each process, this connection can make us happier and healthier and can impact how we act and feel daily.

Tips to Reconnect Our Mind Body and Soul


  1. Exercise

As little as fifteen minutes a day can help our physical wellness. Exercise can also help our body and mind connections. Exercise can release endorphins to help us feel healthier and happier.

  • Eat a healthy diet

Learning what foods enrich and heal our body can help us tremendously. Consume and proper number of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Our overall gut health is key to our mind and body connections. 

  • Yoga

Yoga can help us understand our body and release unwanted energy. Yoga can help our body and spiritual connections.


  1. Learn something new

Learning something new can consist of finding a new hobby, reading a book, or embracing a new culture. This helps our minds grow and expand with new knowledge. We do not fully know ourselves if we do not try to learn new things and embrace differences that we are not used to.

  • Meditate

Meditating reduces stress and increases our awareness of thoughts. This can include many meditation techniques or even just closing your eyes and focusing on breathing. This can strengthen our mind, body, and soul connections.

  • Find your passions

Some of us enjoy our work but others rely on other passions to help heal their minds. This can consist of writing, surfing, hiking, riding ATV’s, traveling, and much more. Find what passions you enjoy to heal your mind.


  • Ground yourself

Going outside with no shoes on in the grass or dirt can truly help our bodies connect with the energies of the earth. Grounding can also help us to feel present and understand all that is around us. Going into nature can cure most things, taking in the serenity and being one with our thoughts and emotions.

  • Learn self-compassion and forgiveness

We are not able to truly heal and have wellness without forgiving ourselves. Let go other the little things and any mistakes. Take this knowledge to help create overall wellness. We cannot expect our bodies to heal if we cannot treat it with upmost kindness and respect. How we treat ourselves can affect how we act, as well as how we treat others. Forgiveness is key to healing.

  • Show gratitude

It can be as simple as saying in your head what you are grateful for. It can be even more beneficial to keep a gratitude journal in order to write down your thoughts and refer back to it later. Let loved ones know how thankful you are for them and spread kindness daily. This can also be done through volunteer work and service.

Our bodies work on all three systems. Understanding the mind, body, and soul connection is the first step to wellness. Some of us understand these connections but need a reminder on what can be done to reconnect our mind, body, and soul.

Creating an everyday practice of these mind, body, and soul techniques can help us live a happier and more fulfilling life. Educate others on these connections. If you struggle working on these connections do not be afraid to reach out to a trained integrative mental health professional for help.