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Challenges We Face During The Healing Process From Trauma

The healing process can be hard on anyone, let alone after experiencing trauma. Trauma occurs when we face an extremely stressful event that may threaten our life or safety. It can be extremely difficult to cope with these traumatic experiences.

When trauma occurs, it can be difficult to face emotions, memories, or anything that reminds us of the event. Healing from trauma is possible but can be extremely difficult for some people. Are you going through the healing process after experiencing trauma?

What is considered traumatic to one person may not be traumatic for another person. Dealing with trauma can be harder for some people as well. The healing process may look different for someone healing from emotional wounds than it does for someone who faced trauma.

The healing process is different for everyone. This process does not mean that you will forget the experience but will allow you to address them and live a happier life without feelings stuck or overwhelmed by the trauma.

Reactions to trauma

  • Feeling tired often
  • Feeling stressed or overwhelmed
  • Being in a state of shock
  • Not wanting to face places, emotions, or people that remind you of the trauma
  • Feeling emotional without explanation
  • Feeling disoriented
  • Lack of sleep
  • Heart problems
  • Change in eating patterns

Ways to better grasp the healing from trauma

  • Understand what you have gone through

It is normal to have reactions and symptoms that may be unexplainable to you after experiencing trauma. Understanding what you have gone through shows you what to look for within your symptoms instead of ignoring them.

  • Understand that you are not the same person

After experiencing trauma, it can make you feel different, and you may not feel like your normal self. Understanding this can help you heal knowing that you may not be the same again and that is okay.

  • Do not create bad habits in order to cope

When we face traumatic events, we may create bad habits to help ourselves cope. These habits can include using drugs or alcohol to numb the experiences and memories.

  • Address your emotions and memories instead of avoiding them

It is perfectly normal to want to avoid these emotions and memories to be able to function. Over time this can take a huge toll on us mentally and physically, it is important to address these emotions and memories sooner rather than later.

  • Take time to process what happened

We all heal differently; our brains do not know or understand time after facing trauma. The healing process takes time, so allow yourself this time and do not push yourself.

  • Talk to someone and get support from a professional

Support groups can be very helpful when healing from trauma. Therapy is an important tool to help us gain control over our memories and emotions. EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy can help us heal from trauma.

  • Be more mindful by using techniques

Techniques such as meditation, listening to music, breathing exercises, and going outside can help us become more mindful.

  • Journal your feelings

Journaling your thoughts and feelings can allow you to be more mindful of what your trauma is doing to you. It can also help you identify what needs to be worked on and the emotions or memories that you are experiencing.

The healing process can be daunting, but it is up to us to address our trauma head on. Be mindful and know when it is important to get help for your trauma.

Trauma affects us all differently and in many ways. Do not be afraid to reach out to a trained professional for help. EMDR therapy is a great tool for those suffering from trauma.

Reach out to a therapist that is certified in EMDR therapy. Listen to and write down your thoughts and emotions to better understand what is going on and how your trauma is affecting you.

Use breathing techniques such as meditation, yoga, or listening to music to help overcome stressful moments. Give yourself the time and space to heal and know that healing takes time.