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When to Know That You Are Ready for Change

Have you felt that things are unsatisfying or that you are ready for change? Some of us change often and accept change, while others find change difficult.

Change can be scary and uncertain, and for many of us, we do not like uncertainty. We must be willing to change to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Being afraid of change only holds us back from our full potential.

Take a look around, do you love your life, or do you feel stuck in any way? These times of feeling stuck can show us the signs that we are ready for change.  We may not always want change to occur and feel content with where we are currently at, but sometimes we are unaware of what is best for us.

It can be hard to not know all of the answers and to loosen the control on your life in order to steer down the right path. Be authentically you, fallow your passions and values, and you will find the change that is necessary to happen. Know that it is okay to change and evolve over time to create a better you and better those around you.

Signs that you are ready for change

  • You are bored or feel stuck

Are your days becoming predictable or boring? Do you feel like you could use more excitement in your life? These are signs that things need to change.

  • Your mind and gut are telling you to change

Stop ignoring your instincts because of being uncertain or uncomfortable. Follow your instincts and do not over analyze change.

  • You are creating bad and boring habits

This can be being in a bad mood at the beginning of every week, drinking too much, eating unhealthy foods, etc. Do not get stuck with living each day to get to the next, it is time to start thriving not just surviving.

  • Life seems to be pulling you in a different direction

Do you ever feel like you want to stay where you are, but nothing is going right, and things are pulling you in a different direction? This can be an uncomfortable sign of needing change but can lead us on a much better and happier path.

Ways to prepare for change

  1. Accept change and that it will happen no matter what
  2. Give yourself the time and space to deal with and accept change
  3. Understand what is in your best interest
  4. Understand that not everything will work out
  5. Stop holding yourself back from change and success

Change can be daunting, especially with all that is going on around us currently. It may seem hard to not have a plan or to change that plan without an explanation.

Know that there is not always going to be answers or an explanation and not everyone needs to know why you are choosing to change. Be open-minded and know that things may not always work out, but when they do you will be happy you took that chance.

This could mean moving to an unfamiliar place without friends or family or taking a new job that lacks in benefits but will give you more room for growth. Listen to your gut and intuition, they very rarely lie, we just need to be willing to listen.

Stop getting stuck in a rut and creating bad habits. We are not meant to live life by repeating the same routine every day and not taking any time to explore new things, cultures, and places.

We cannot know who we truly are or want to be without change. If life seems to be pulling you into a different direction, then let it, this is may be a sign that that direction is the direction that you are meant to go.

If you are struggling with change, reach out to a trained professional for help. Therapy can provide many techniques and tools for you to better manage life changes.