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Signs of One-Sided Relationships

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Do you feel like you are constantly giving without getting anything in return? This can be with intimate relationships, friends, or family. It is important to understand when you are in a one-sided relationship so that you can set boundaries and understand who is meant to be in your life, as well as who is worth your time and effort.

In one-sided relationships it may seem that one person is investing all their time and energy, while the other person is not. Being the one to do all of the work can get tiring emotionally, mentally, and physically. Relationships can take a lot out of us even when they are double-sided.

Do not let others take advantage of you and your worth. It may seem worth it in the beginning because of how much you may care for the individual, but eventually we realize that it is not worth the stress, heartache, and exhaustion. We must be aware of the signs of one-sided relationships to protect ourselves and those we love. If you make most of the decisions, contribute more energy and communication, are there for them when they are not there for you, then you are probably experiencing a one-sided relationship. Respect yourself enough to change the situation when you are in a one-sided relationship.

Signs of being in a one-sided relationship

  • You make most of the decisions

This can be little or important decisions that the other person may not take seriously or does not want to be responsible for.

You may constantly be the one that reaches out to them, or they will not communicate with you. They may also not truly listen or put forth effort into communication.

  • Sacrificing your needs for their happiness

You may feel too drained from focusing on their needs to focus on your own. They may also make it seem that their happiness is more important than yours.

  • You have to make excuses for the other person

People tend to notice when relationships are one-sided, so you may feel the need to make excuses for the person who is not contributing.

  • You tiptoe around them

This may be when you feel that you must ignore your needs or emotions because it may make them upset. This can also be when you ignore conflict in order to keep them happy.

One-sided relationships can cause

Ways that you can address a one-sided relationship

  • Be honest with yourself about what is being avoided
  • Understand what you are giving to the relationship that you are not getting back
  • Address your own needs and happiness
  • Tell the other person about how you are feeling and what your needs are

One-sided relationships can have many negative effects on our mental, physical, and emotional health and overall well-being. Take control of your relationships and do not let others abuse your time and energy. Respect yourself enough to address these relationships.

If someone is unwilling to put in the same amount of time and effort into the relationship as you, then they probably are not meant to be in your life permanently. There are many resources to talk about how these relationships are affecting you and how to address them.

Support groups and therapy can be extremely beneficial for this. Just because you care for someone does not mean that it is okay for them to take advantage of you.

Be honest with yourself and create necessary and healthy boundaries. Tell the other person how you are feeling and what you need changed for the relationship to work.

Do not forget to address your own needs and happiness. You deserve to be cared for and to live a happy and fulfilling life with the people that matter most and that are there for you.