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10 Crucial Steps We Can Take to Reconnect with Ourselves

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Do you often feel disconnected from yourself? Being disconnected from ourselves can be harmful to our well-being. Feeling disconnected can be from being afraid, overwhelmed, depressed; which makes it challenging to figure out how to reconnect with ourselves. When we feel disconnected, we lose our sense of self and who we truly are and want to be. Our subconscious is what allows us to create this distance between our mind and body.

When we are dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, etc., it can be difficult to not want to ignore our emotions or what our body is doing to function. This can impact our mental health significantly. Do you ever feel that you are not in your body or that what is going on around you is not real, even when it is? This means that you are disconnected from yourself. Below are steps you can take to start becoming more connected with yourself.

Symptoms & signs of being disconnected

Steps to reconnect

  1. Let yourself feel. This means that you should be allowing yourself to feel and understand your emotions. The more we ignore these feelings, the more we become disconnected from ourselves.
  2. Spend time with and on yourself. It can be hard to take to the time for self-care and to be completely comfortable working on ourselves. This time allows us to build a relationship with ourselves and build connections. Go out and do the things that you love!
  3. Communicate with someone that you can trust and open-up to. We may think that we can do everything on our own but speaking to others about how we are feeling helps us realize what we are going through in order to accept it.
  4. Using breathing and relaxation to reconnect. Breathing techniques can help us become one with our systems and ground ourselves in the present. This is especially beneficial when we feel outside or distant from our bodies or subconscious.
  5. Write down and understand your goals. When we write down our goals for the future this gives us clarity and gives us something to strive towards. This can also help us to stay accountable for our actions.
  • Get plenty of sleep, exercise, and proper nutrition. When we focus on our well-being and how we are helping our body and mind, we can heal damaged connections.
  • Understand your feelings. How can we work on fixing what we do not know or recognize? It can be helpful to write down notes on how we are feeling when disconnected.
  • Understand and meet your own needs. We tend to spend so much energy on what others need instead of our own. When we care for our own needs, we can better understand what we need to be doing to reconnect.
  • Be kind and do not judge yourself. Kindness is key to any healing process. It can take time to heal and reconnect and what works for others may not work for you. Do not treat yourself differently or badly for this process.
  • Acceptance is key. We can always change who we are or who we want to be. To reconnect we must accept and be genuinely okay with where we are at in the present moment.

With everything going on around us right now it can be hard to want to be connected with ourselves and the present. Some of us may find it easier to ignore what is going on instead of learning how to address and cope with it. It is never too late to start working on yourself and learning to reconnect and build healthy relationships with yourself.

Do not let your disconnection distract you from your sense of self. Your identity and who you want to be is important. Be kind to yourself, you matter. If you struggle with disconnection and need help with reconnecting with yourself, reach out to a trained therapist for counseling.