Our brain is constantly changing. Our brain controls every part of us from what we learn and comprehend, how we feel, even to our overall health. Our physical and mental health are greatly affected by the health of our brain. The good thing about the brain constantly changing is that we can repair what we have broken.
We can learn new habits to grow and heal from trauma that is physical or emotional. When we do not give our brain what it needs to properly function, we are not giving it the ability to heal, change, or create anything new. It is important to start taking the time to work on your brain health and better understand what is affecting your brain health.
Our brain affects our overall well-being. There are quite a few steps we can take to improve our brain health and overall function, but it is up to us to take those steps to increase our overall health and well-being. There are big steps to take, but also several little steps as well.
Steps to increase brain function:
- Feed your brain properly
This includes what you eat, your hydration, what you say/hear, what you watch, and much more. Understand that everything we do and say affects our brain. Gut health is important to keep your brain functioning efficiently.
- Get moving
Physical activity is great for the brain and body. It helps lower stress, increase our blood flow, as well as the connection between our brain and other main organs.
Create a self-care routine and try new things. When we allow ourselves to explore and play, we are really feeding our brain with new information.
Stress and anxiety make us tired physically and emotionally, which lowers our brain’s ability to function. Cold showers, meditation, sun, exercise, and music can all help us relax and become more mindful.
- Keep your brain active
Play brain games, learn a new hobby, learn how to play a new sport, learn a new language, etc. These all keep our brain engaged and learning new information, creating an optimal and healthy environment for the brain.
Poor brain health can cause:
- Memory problems
- Poor mental health
- Mood swings/disorders
- Irritability
- Depression
- Neurodegenerative disorders
- Emotional, physical, and behavioral problems
Have you been wanting to try out that new dance class or wanting to learn how to paint? These are both great ways to increase brain function. For those of us who have experiences trauma to the brain, healing and brain health will take more time for us than others. This makes it even more crucial to work on your brain’s health and overall function.
Our brain controls pretty much all that we do, say, and think. It is important to feed your brain with good information, food, and experiences. Simply scrolling through social media is affecting your brain, so be mindful of these things.
In order to have optimal health and happiness we must be willing to make our brain health and function a priority. We have to be willing to work on these things for ourselves and those around us.
Our brain health can also affect our mental health, our stress, anxiety, depression, and much more. Aging is inevitable, but to keep our brain feeling young and healthy we can take these steps and many more to help with the aging process.
Poor brain health can cause irritability, mood swings, neurodegenerative disorders, depression, and much more. If you struggle with brain function and are feeling some of the effects of poor brain health, reach out to a trained counselor for help.