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Habits to Help Increase Happiness in Your Life

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Do you struggle with fulfillment in your life? Do you catch yourself looking around at happy people and wishing you had that type of fulfillment? When we start to create habits that will help us increase fulfillment and happiness, we must look at how we view ourselves.

How we view ourselves controls what we are willing to do and change, the amount of energy we are willing to put into things, our attitude, and much more. We all have the potential to live a fulfilling life, no matter what we have or where we are.

We must be willing to stop and understand the bigger picture. This can be difficult when we have hectic lives with little time to focus on ourselves. Here are some key habits to start working on to increase your happiness and fulfillment.

Habits to create:

This is easier said than done, but as much as you may always want to be there for others, you will only drain yourself until you start putting energy into yourself. No matter how busy things are, we must take the time to see the beauty in all that is around us.

  • Accept what is

When we constantly control every situation, we are creating stress, anxiety, and even burnout. We must create a peace within ourselves and accept what is or will be, this could be right now or even change for a better future.

  • Explore new things

We often feel stuck because we stop experiencing new things and places. Stop talking yourself out of taking that trip, trying that food, or hiking that mountain. Try to push yourself and do things that are outside of your comfort zone.

  • Go outside and soak up the sun

Being in nature helps us feel at peace and more grounded with ourselves and the earth. Sun helps us receive vitamins and release happy hormones such as dopamine.

  • Show gratitude

Start by writing in a gratitude journal about what you are grateful for. Show appreciation to others with action instead of words.

  • Take time away from social media

This can be hard with work, school, etc., but scrolling through social media only creates short term happiness. Think of what you could do instead of spending thirty minutes on social media. You could go to the gym, go for a walk outside, find a new recipe to cook, meditate, and so much more.

  • Stay connected with loved ones

There is nothing quite like spending time with family and loved ones. When we are around loved ones we can feel more at peace, less anxious, and more in the moment.

Learn new breathing techniques, meditate, or go to therapy. These all help us become more mindful and helps us better understand ourselves, where we are in life, and where we want to be.

It is all the little things that help us become happier and more fulfilled. Never ignore the little things. Our habits change how our brain responds to stress, anxiety, depression, etc. How our brain responds can change how we see life, our current situations, where we want to be, and much more.

Take the time to get to know yourself better and what will make you more fulfilled. Happiness can look different to every person. Do not forget to try new things and show gratitude each day. Stay connected to loved ones and create a support system.

If you are struggling to be happy or fulfilled, reach out to a trained therapist for help. Therapy is a great tool to help you take control of your life and to truly see the bigger picture, as well as the little things that are also important. What habits have helped you or what would you add to this list?