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Ways To Give Your Relationship A Boost This Week

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  • Post category:Couples

Sometimes your connections in a relationship can seem very strong. Relationship intimacy does not come and stay on its own. It is important to take the extra steps to give your relationship a boost and connect as a couple. A relationship needs constant effort, and, in a relationship, the little things are the big things. Sometimes we get busy and forget to be there for our partner(s) even in the busy and hard times.

Showing little bits of love daily and weekly, shows your partner that you care and that they are a priority to you. When you take time to cuddle with your partner while watching a movie, is this moment significant to you and your partner? Taking the time to send a text or taking time to talk without phones allowed can boost your relationship. Take the time to be intentional.

Ways to give your relationship a boost this week:

Tell each other, “I love you” before going to work and going to bed. Take time to cuddle and actively listen to how your partners day went.

You do not need to be serious all of the time. Be silly, joke around, make each other laugh. Silliness can greatly boost intimacy.

When you have a busy schedule, it is important to make time in that schedule for intimacy. Schedule a date night, have intimate conversations, be a PDA couple, schedule sex, etc.

  • Help your partner with tasks

Instead of asking what you can do, just do the dishes or a load of laundry. Go grocery shopping or even cook your partner dinner.

Go out dancing or go to a rage room. Trying new things together can greatly strengthen your relationship.

Ways to support your partner:

  • Learn and participate in one of their hobbies

If your partner likes to play disc golf, let them teach you how to play. If they like to hike, go with them hiking sometimes, these little intentions are very meaningful to them.

Set all things aside and fully listen to them. If they want your opinion be kind and show your support.

  • Help them achieve their goals

Helping your partner achieve their goals provides them the motivation they may otherwise not have.

  • Remind each other that you are a team

Facing challenges is hard, but when you can equally carry the weight and depend on each other, much more is possible.

  • Learn that it is okay to apologize

We never want to be wrong, especially in a relationship, but when you upset your partner, saying sorry is much easier than getting into an unnecessary argument when you know you may be wrong.  

Give your relationship the boost that it needs this week. Show your partner some love and do something nice for them, whether that be cooking them dinner, doing the laundry, or picking up the kids from school. The little things are what matter and without striving towards these little things weekly, we can create a lot of havoc in our relationships. Know that intimacy is extremely important, so work on it as a team. A relationship is not one sided, so be willing to work on this together. Create moments for laughter, silliness, learning, admiring, etc., and see how much your relationship strengthens. If you and your partner are struggling, reach out to a trained therapist for help. Couples therapy is a great tool to get back on track in your relationship and build the skills to maintain a happy and healthy relationship.