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Steps to Supporting The LGBTQ+ Community

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June is LGBTQ+ pride month. This is a movement for the LGBTQ+ population, as well as their family and friends. This allows people to embrace their differences, gender identity, and sexual orientation. This is a time to celebrate and show love and acceptance for all. This is a time where we can empower the LGBTQ+ community to push for equality and rights. We must take this time to act in helping others. We as a community need to educate and supporting all communities and differences to create full equality. There is no one right way, right or wrong.

Many people are afraid to be open about their orientation in work, school, social settings, etc. It is up to all of us to take the necessary steps in supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Are you or a loved one a part of the LGBTQ+ community? If you know of ways that we could all support this population and community speak up.

Steps to supporting the LGBTQ+ community

  • Educate yourself on the LGBTQ+ community. Do your research and speak to friends and family. You never know who you may be close to that is of this population. Better understanding of this community and how we can help equality is key.
  • During June especially, share posts or memos on pride month. This helps spread awareness and shows that you support this community. Sharing during pride month also helps educate others that may not know of this month or ways to support the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Speak out about bullying or harassment. If you know someone is having problems at work or school because of their orientation or identity, then speak out. People do not always feel they have a voice in the community, help be that advocate and voice for them. If you see someone being mistreated, say something, and stand up for what is right.
  • Listen and be trustworthy. It is important that people know they have someone that they can trust and go to for anything. People need to know that they have someone that is going to accept them for who they are and help them celebrate their differences and uniqueness. Most people of the LGBTQ+ population are afraid to initially speak to someone about their identity or orientation because of the fear of not being accepted. It is important for us to show them this acceptance so that they are no longer afraid to be who they truly are.
  • Be an ally. Being an ally can mean that you stick up for others during discrimination, prevent bullying, etc. Being an ally means being an advocate for those who may not be able to advocate for themselves. Teachers, parents, and counselors can be key advocates for LGBTQ+ youth.
  • Be a role model. Treat others the way that you want to be treated and show kindness. Stick up for friends and family that may be of the LGBTQ+ population. Do not allow others to speak badly or bully those you care about.
  • Never make assumptions about someoneโ€™s gender identity or sexual orientation. You never know someoneโ€™s identity or orientation and it is important not to make others correct us for their orientation. This is disrespectful, instead of assuming just be honest and ask.
  • Read up on laws and rights. These laws and rights can help us when advocating and supporting LGBTQ+ students and colleagues. Try not to assume that because someone is an adult that they can advocate for themselves. Many people of the LGBTQ+ community have a hard time being open about their identity and orientation in the workplace. Letโ€™s be more accepting of our classmates and colleagues and help them feel like they are accepted.

With adults or youth, it is important to take the time to listen and be understanding in all situations. Take this time to reach out to friends and family or educate yourself on what you can do in supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Celebrate awareness this month by spreading pride cheer on social media or by going to events in your area. We are all unique in our own ways and all deserve to be treated equally. Spread love and awareness!