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Normalizing Teen Mental Health

We are going through a national crisis in teen mental health. Now more than ever we need to be normalizing teen mental health. This means that not only parents, but teens, teachers, doctors, and therapists all need to advocate for teen mental health.

Although we as a society have come so far on the stigma pf mental health, we still have a long way to go. Many teens are struggling right now and not everyone has the support that they need to open-up about what they are going through. Being a teen is very hard and complicated, especially now with phones and social media.

 Many teens feel unseen or unheard and it is up to all of us to help them feel heard. Normalizing teen mental health needs to be done by educating parents and showing teens the importance of being there for their peers and being kind to one another. Teen mental health causes a lot of extra stress and anxiety for teens, so focusing on anxiety support is important as well.

5 ways to normalize teen mental health:

  1. Talk to a parent or friend about therapy

This shows that you are willing to put effort into your mental health. Talking openly about therapy helps people become more comfortable about mental health.

  • Reach out to those that need help

Not everyone has parents or friends that they can talk to. Just showing someone that you are there if they need to talk is very important.

  • Spread self-care knowledge

Let your friends know what you like to do to relax and lower stress. This will help them realize the importance of self-care.

  • Spread awareness

Let your parents, family, and friends know about the importance of mental health. Volunteering with teen mental health organizations can also help you gain and spread knowledge and awareness.

  • Reach out to your friends without judgement

Just because someone says they are okay, does not mean that they are okay. Always check on your friends and be willing to reach out to them when you are struggling as well.

Ways to support your anxiety as a teen:

Consistency and rest greatly lowers our anxiety. As a teenager you are constantly developing, so rest is crucial during this time.

  • Get involved with the community

Building connections and being there for others can give us a sense of purpose and can make us feel happier and more fulfilled.

  • Use grounding techniques

As a teen, it is easy to become overwhelmed with our schedules. Grounding with meditation or breathing exercises can help reduce this anxiety.

  • Get proper nutrition

AS a teen your hormones can fluctuate often, making you want to eat unhealthy foods. Having proper nutrition tailored to your lifestyle is important for having good mental health.

  • Spend less time on your phone

This can be hard with school and social life all incorporating technology. Take an hour every day before bed or when you wake up without any technology.

  • Get plenty of exercise

This can be done with sports, yoga, running, or even just taking a 20 min walk each day.

Teen mental health is extremely important. There are many teens right now that are struggling and do not have anyone they can talk to about their mental health. Teens need to know where they can go for help, such as a teacher, community center, a friend, or a family member.

 Spreading awareness on normalizing teen mental health will allow teens to know where they can turn to for support. If you can speak to your parents about your mental health and are struggling, talk to your parents about seeing a therapist. A trained therapist that is specialized in working with teens can greatly help with addressing your mental health.

 Remember to be kind to yourself and others and be that support for someone else. Use grounding techniques and get involved in your community to lower anxiety as a teen. Know that you are not alone and the more you talk about mental health, the more normalized teen mental health will become.