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A Quick Introduction to Body Neutrality

Maybe you rushed to embrace the body positivity movement. On the other hand, maybe you want to take things slower. Maybe you are unsure of what body neutrality is?

You could be wishing that your cellulite would go away or struggling to accept the effects of aging or illness. If so, body neutrality may be an option that makes more sense for you. Even on those days when you feel less than fabulous, you can still love yourself and enjoy life.

man taking photo of women

While body positivity is a concept that has been around for decades, neutrality is a more recent development. Find out more about what lies behind these concepts and how to apply them to your own life.

Tips for Practicing Body Neutrality

Cultivating a healthy body image can be challenging, but it’s worthwhile. The way you perceive yourself affects your overall wellbeing and can lower your risk for eating disorders and depression.

These tips can help you uplift your perception of your body:

woman carrying barbell
  1. Broaden your focus. Body positivity became popular because it helped society appreciate a wider range of sizes and shapes. Your worth doesn’t depend on being a runway model or Olympic athlete.
  2. Manage your weight. At the same time, some critics are concerned about underestimating the risks of being overweight or obese. Losing just a few pounds can help prevent diabetes and other serious issues.
  3. Avoid comparisons. Do you feel dissatisfied with yourself after looking at fashion magazines and social media?  Measure yourself by your own standards, instead of artificial ideals.
  4. Express gratitude. Be thankful for what your body does for you each day. It lets you move around and play with your kids. You need it to digest food and fight off germs.
  5. Pamper yourself. Each time you invest in your body and mind, you remind yourself of its value. Along with wholesome lifestyle habits, treat yourself to something special, like a massage or dance classes.
  6. Change the subject. Maybe you’re overwhelmed because you’ve been thinking and talking about your body too much. Take a break and focus on other things. Concentrate on your family or career.
  7. Customize your approach. Body positivity and body neutrality aren’t mutually exclusive. You might invent your own hybrid version that suits your individual style.

Additional Ways to Build Your Confidence and Exhibit Better Body Neutrality

Of course, there’s more to you than your appearance.

While you’re working on your body image, pay attention to other factors that influence your self-esteem too:

  1. Increase your self-awareness. How well do you know yourself? Set aside time in your schedule for reflection. Clarify your values and priorities. Explore your life purpose.
  2. Advocate for yourself. Set reasonable boundaries and stand up for your principles. Share your thoughts and opinions. Ask for what you need and take responsibility for your choices.
  3. Validate your feelings. Acknowledge your emotions, even when you find them unpleasant. Embracing your anger and sadness can be the first step in making constructive changes.
  4. Add to your accomplishments. Set realistic and compelling goals that give you something to strive for each day. Learn from experience and give yourself credit for trying.
  5. Think positive. Look on the bright side. Celebrate your talents and strengths. Give yourself a pep talk and notice the happy moments that happen each day.
four people leaning on railings

There is a middle ground between running away from full-length mirrors and posting daily Instagram photos of yourself in a bikini. Learn to love yourself using body positivity, neutrality, or any philosophy that works for you.