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Habits of a Healthy Couple

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Do you ever wonder why other couples seem happier than you and your partner? It is normal for us to compare ourselves and our relationships to others. Other people’s relationships are also not as perfect as they seem. We do have to realize though, that our happiness in our relationships does not just occur on its own. We have to work together to build a strong, healthy, and lasting relationship. Healthy relationships lead to happier relationships. Do you ever feel like you have run out of ideas to create healthy relationship habits? Below are some example habits of a healthy couple that you can try incorporating more into your relationship. Know that not all habits work for every relationship. Do what works for you and your relationship.

Examples of habits for a healthy couple:

We can have good communication skills in the beginning of our relationship, nut this may fade over time. We must be willing to work on communication regularly to create a healthier relationship.

This can be as simple as sending a thank you text to let them know you appreciate them. Make your partner feel acknowledged for what they do so that they will feel appreciated.

  • Giving and accepting support

Sometimes we are quick to provide support for our partner but are unwilling to accept that support in return. Work on having a balance of accepting and providing support in your relationship.

We can love our partner and not fully understand what their needs are. Do not assume that your partner knows what you need and become comfortable with discussing each other’s needs regularly.

  • Be silly & laugh together

A serious relationship does not mean you cannot take time to be silly, joke with each other without taking anything seriously, and laughing often. These little moments of silliness and laughter can greatly increase happiness within the relationship.

This can take time, but once we know our partners love language, we can better meet their needs. We all have a different idea on how we should receive love. Your partner may need quality time or words of affirmation, while you need physical touch.

  • Make spending time together a priority

We can become caught up in our busy schedules and forget that our relationship is a priority. Male time for alone time, dates, physical touch, intimacy, and time with no other distractions. Agree to have a no phone rule before bed or a weekly date night.

  • Work on creating boundaries

Most healthy relationships have boundaries. Respecting and acknowledging each other’s boundaries is important for lasting relationships. This can be physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.

Healthy relationship green flags:

  • Trust
  • Open and honest communication
  • Appreciation for one another
  • Curiosity for growth
  • Interdependence
  • Silliness/playfulness
  • Emotional and physical intimacy
  • You both have healthy boundaries set
  • You encourage each other to spend time on yourselves

It is important when in relationships to look for the red and the green flags. Red flags show us the signs that we need when we are not in a healthy relationship, while green flags can help us realize when we are in a healthy relationship. Healthy relationships can help lead us to happier relationships. If you are unsure about your relationship signs, the green flags listed above can help you.

If you and your partner are struggling and are creating more of an unhealthy relationship, reach out to a trained therapist for help. Couples therapy can greatly benefit those that need help creating better habits, communication skills, and much more needed to create a healthy, happy, and long-lasting relationship.