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Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder

Do you ever fear participating in social gatherings, or even simply going to the grocery store? Sometimes we may have intense fear or anxiety and not realize that it has to do with the social settings we put ourselves in. If you have intense fear about specific social settings, you may have social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder typically affects how we function in everyday life.

 For some, this fear or anxiety can be more than just fear of being around others, but also fear of our self-image, how people view us, which all related to our own low self-esteem. First, we must understand the signs of social anxiety, to then be able to address it. There are ways to help manage anxiety to help live a happier and more fulfilled life. Be kind to yourself through this process of understanding your anxiety and fears, as well as how you will address these fears.

Signs of social anxiety disorder:

  • Having an increased heartrate when around others
  • Becoming very tense or agitated
  • Feeling self-conscious
  • Feeling sweaty or overheated
  • You may avoid places that involve being around people
  • You find it difficult to speak in public or even make eye contact
  • You feel like others are judging you

Ways to address your anxiety:

Does your social anxiety occur when around friends, at the grocery store, etc.? Knowing what triggers, the social anxiety will help you take the steps to address it.

  • Slowly put yourself in high anxiety situations

Exposure to fearful situations will help build a tolerance and lower your anxiety over time. Start slow by hanging out with small groups of people or even just one person.

Controlling our breathing can help manage our anxiety. Use breathing exercises to better prepare for these moments, so you are focusing on breathing and calming the mind and body.

When thinking negatively in stressful situations, replace these thoughts with positive ones. You may think you cannot handle the situation but remind yourself that you have been through it before and can do it again.

  • Reach out for help

Therapy is a great way to gain the tolls to combat social anxiety. CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy can help us modify the way we think and behave.

Social anxiety disorder can be very overwhelming and scary. If not addressed, it will only continue to get worse. Be aware of what causes your social anxiety the most and be willing to take the steps to address and overcome this anxiety. Do you struggle with being around large groups of people, simply going to the grocery store, etc.? Do you feel that when you are around others, they are judging you in some way? These are signs that you have social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder is different for every person.

To overcome social anxiety, we must be willing to put ourselves into uncomfortable situations to help us build up the courage and self-esteem needed to conquer all situations. Learn to love yourself and build yourself up in difficult situations. Even if you start by hanging out with one friend, this is still putting yourself in a social situation. Remember to be kind to yourself during this process, it is not easy. Reach out to family, friends, or a therapist for help. Therapy is a great way to help talk about your fears and be able to replace negative thinking and behaviors with positive ones. We must be willing to adjust our way of thinking in order to live a more fulfilled life.