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“You’re too young to have that problem….” Living with a Chronic Illness

Are you experiencing the challenges that come along with a chronic illness? ✅✅✅
“BUT, you don’t LOOK sick”.
This comment is gaslighting and incredibly damaging to those who experience chronic illness.
What does it feel like to live with a chronic health condition?
Depressed that you have the illness.
It feels like life will never be OK again.
Angry. It still seems unfair that you have the illness.

Afraid that you will become very ill over time. These kinds of feelings are normal.
Stress can make it harder for you to take care of your chronic illness. You can learn to cope with stress to help you manage day to day.

💚You are NOT too young to have a chronic health condition..
💚Chronic illness is known as the INVISIBLE illness.
💚 You are not lazy, you are tired from fighting against your own body.
💚 You deserve time be treated with respect by your doctor and therapist, and if you’re not, find a doctor and therapist that will!

Nicole O’Hare is a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider and a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in chronic illness and autoimmune diseases.

If you are in Arizona and looking to join a support group for chronic health conditions, click here to contact us for more information!