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Strategies to Conquer and Overcome Our Fear of the Unknown

Worrying about what the future holds is one of the most common fears. Often times you’re anticipating the worst while, at a similar time, realizing that a life in fear isn’t very pleasant the least bit. Fortunately there are certain strategies you’ll be able to use to overcome your fear of the unknown.

fear of the unknown

Try implementing a number of these techniques to overcome your fears:

  1. Think about the outcomes. When you’re approaching an unknown situation, it helps to form an inventory of all the possible outcomes. Some of the results can be good and a few not so good, but feeling like you have just a bit of foreknowledge about bigger picture will help to ease your fears.
  2. Clear the mind. Make an energetic effort to clear your mind. One of potential reasons you may have some fear is that you’re worried that something bad is about to happen. This could be as a result of a situation from your past that you have projected into your future without even knowing. You need to attempt to throw these thoughts off the table and approach your fears with a sound head.
  3. Take positive steps forward. It sounds easy, but it may be difficult to put into practice. Strive to visualize everything turning out positively. If you concentrate more on the positive aspect, you can actually turn your fear into excitement.
  4. Study fear. Fear contains a real purpose in appropriate situations. The experience of fear makes your pulse rate rise and you’re better ready to escape threatening situations. However, humans have built many unnecessary and non-life threatening fears. Once you realize that these types of fears serve no purpose, you’ll be stronger for it.
  5. Talk it through. You might be feeling alone along with your fears. It helps to speak through your problems with someone who is close to you. Perhaps it’ll help to communicate your fears with someone who has experienced the same situation. Speak with your therapist on ways to navigate your fears. Just knowing you are not alone can ease your fear, even if the person doesn’t have any especially helpful advice to offer .
  6. Start small. If you’re fearful of the unknown in a very general sense, starting small will help reduce your fear. Instead of tackling a seemingly huge insurmountable task, just try doing something small first. Break out of your temperature for a slight bit and take a look at something new you’ve never tried before.
  7. Give up control. The future are often frightening once we think we must control every aspect of it. While there are certain actions you’ll want to maintain some facet of control, there are many situations that you have no control over. When you accept that down the road will be what it’ll be, no matter how you are feeling , it’s going to not seem quite as scary.
overcoming fear of the unknown

Present Thinking

When your thoughts get trapped within the future, whether it is the near future or the distant future, it clouds your current situation. If you’re especially fearful, take a step back and concentrate on what’s occurring within the here and now.

Your present thinking automatically allows you to process things one step at a time. If you’re currently doing the laundry, for instance , the primary thing you ought to concentrate on is getting stains out or putting clothes within the dryer – or positive things you look forward to. Brush other worries away and maintain yourself in the here and now.

This isn’t to say you should never think about the future. When you start to ponder about the future, proceed with balanced head and positive thoughts and without letting the fears bury you. Following these strategies can alleviate your fear of the unknown and bring you a life filled with enthusiasm for the future rather than fear. What a difference this can make! And there’s no better time to start out than this . Go for it!