First Step In Your Path to Recovery
types of disorders we treat
People who suffer from the disorder have distorted views of their weight and have anxiety about gaining weight. Contributing factors to anorexia include stress, unhappiness, feeling out of control and other outside influences such as the media. Some people turn to anorexic behaviors as a way to manage these problems, but this can develop into a serious condition that could result in death.
Binge Eating DIsorder
Binge eating disorder is a severe, life-threatening, and treatable eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food followed by a feeling of a loss of control during the binge, experiencing shame, distress or guilt afterwards, and not regularly using unhealthy compensatory measures to mitigate the effects of eating. This can lead to further progression into another form of eating disorder.
Eating Disorders in Athletes
Athletics are a great way to build self-esteem, promote physical conditioning, and demonstrate the value of teamwork, but not all athletic stressors are positive. The pressure to win and an emphasis on body weight and shape can create a toxic combination. When the pressures of athletic competition are added to an existing cultural emphasis on thinness, the risks increase for athletes to develop disordered eating.
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
This is characterized by highly selective eating habits, disturbed feeding patterns or both. It often results in significant nutrition and energy deficiencies, and for children, failure to gain weight. Common eating and feeding challenges for an individual with ARFID include difficulty digesting food; avoidance of specific types of food textures, colors and smells; eating at an abnormally slow pace, or having a general lack of appetite.
Characterized by the urge to over consume followed by an attempt to get rid of the food that’s been consumed. There are various methods that people who struggle with bulimia eliminate the food they have consumed, including purging, the use of medications or laxatives, fasting, and over utilizing exercise. People suffering from bulimia will start a cycle of binging and purging that will ultimately impact their overall health.
Disordered eating is used to describe a range of irregular eating behaviors that may or may not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder. Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa are diagnosed according to specific and narrow criteria. This excludes a majority of people suffering with disordered eating.